Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Monday, August 15, 2011

11 weeks part II.

So it's official: everyone knows!  

Yesterday in church the announcement was made that Scott and I are expecting our first child.  The congregation spent time at length in prayer for us and our developing baby.  The church is now praying faithfully for "three generations" of my family, as Deacon Andrews put it. 
How beautiful.

Also, we made it public on Facebook yesterday, so that everyone had a fair share at knowing all at once.  We didn't want to leave anyone out! 

Nausea is back with a vengeance, but I'm suspecting my synthetic pre-natal vitamin.  Scott and I looked into food-based ones, but they're either not coated or I'd have to take four.  FOUR!  I can barely swallow one without tossing my cookies. 
So much for that. 

I'm going home to New York in a week to spend some time with my mom and dad. 
I'm looking forward to that very much.  My dad is thrilled beyond belief!

And I' m not sure if I'm showing yet, or if it's all the carbs I'm inhaling..
  Here's me at 11 weeks:

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