The prominent theme of this week has been:
Was that the baby moving?!...
I can say there have been some instances in which I've felt movement, but I'm holding out for a sure thing.
I had my monthly check-up with Christine today, and we had another strong heartbeat: 157 bpm this time! The only thing that points to a possible girl in this pregnancy is the heartbeat.. everything else [and everyone else] is shouting boucin' baby BOY!!
We shall see.
We shall see.
Next week we have our [very exciting!] 20-week ultrasound to determine the gender of this little one. We'll also be able to check on the physical formation of the baby, as well. This will be a very important check-up for me, since we forewent the amniocentesis for the baby's sake, and are waiting [im]patiently to make sure our baby isn't a Trisomy.
Lord, have mercy.
The size of our baby this week?
A sweet potato!
I can't wait for the ultrasound. Boy or girl, they will be loved immensely.