Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

33 weeks!

I can't believe tomorrow marks the last day of this week. 
Time is moving faithfully by.

This week has been very difficult for me though, both physically and emotionally.  Scott's been assigned to an overnight shift five nights a week now, so that's turned our schedules upside down.. literally.  Looking ahead at having a newborn and no husband at nighttime is pretty discouraging. 
We're praying for God's kindness to us as we look forward with anticipation to Bennett's arrival.

Otherwise, my back is really acting up these days!  I thought my backache woes were over, but they've returned with the increasing pressure on my spine.  My chiropractor is adjusting me faithfully, but it only seems to be damage control.  I guess some pregnancy issues are unavoidable..  Sleep has also become a nightmare, no pun intended.  Breathing is getting difficult, and my hips are constantly aching from the left to right movements I'm limited to.  I can't wait to sleep on my back and stomach again!  The thought of six more weeks [or more] can be hard to get my head around, sometimes.  Luckily, heartburn and indigestion haven't been a problem for me.  But I'm having some swelling in my ankles, and I can barely stand for any length of time with the pain in my feet.  Walking through Walmart with a full grocery list is a tall order, these days!

Bennett's also moving around quite a bit.  I'm sure he always was, but I can really feel him as the pregnancy progresses.  Sometimes I look down at my stomach and watch some unknown body part slip past underneath my shirt. 
It's really an incredible experience! 
The whole thing is starting to become real.  

This week we practiced labor and birthing positions in our childbirth class.  I'm trying to master the squat!  It's apparently the most effective birthing position, but a secret to us Americans.  All over the world women give birth in the squatting position, and recover quite nicely.  

I've been working more in the nursery today.  Created some decals and put them up on the walls.  I'll post a picture or two next week!

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