Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Thursday, March 1, 2012

39 weeks!

Wow!  I am truly almost there..  Can't believe this week is my due date.

I had a lot of movement going on this week.  Experienced some cramping and a BUNCH of Braxton Hicks contractions.  But nothing that resembled the real deal.  One of the girls from our child-birthing class had her little girl, and that really got the rest of us excited! 

Scott and I focused a bit on finishing our To-Do list.  I went to Kohl's and Walmart and bought two bed gowns to wear at the birth center and once I'm back home recovering.  They're certifiable mu-mu's with awful floral prints.  Eek!  But I'm getting so tired of clingy clothing, that I just wanted a tent or two to get lost in.  We also bought our non-perishable snacks for energy while in the process of labor.  Scott installed the car seat in the car, and I finished the "Thank You" cards for my church shower.  Our "hospital bag" is all packed and ready to go!  
.. All we need is a baby.

I've been pretty tired this week, and the swelling in my ankles is [at times] pretty comical.  I've been trying to take more naps when time permits, because one ever knows when labor is about to begin.  But it's recently come to my realization that my mom went "18 days late" with my older sister.  I've heard there can be correlations between a mother and daughter's laboring experiences.  I am TRULY hoping Bennett won't be a week or two late.

But I've been really doing my best to trust in God's timing these days. 
His timing is often strange and unpleasant to us, and I'd like to learn to handle it more gracefully. 

Here's me, at what I HOPE will be my largest: 46 pounds.

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