Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

36 weeks!

36 weeks.  Just one week away from term!

This week was an exciting week, because it was also my birthday!  The same day I hit 36 weeks, I turned 28 years old.  I've been wondering recently if that's late to have your first child..  It all seems to depend upon who you ask, though.  Some women start having children young, in their early 20's..  But other women have told me they're glad they waited until they hit 30.  I guess I don't really have an opinion, either way. I'm just glad that I'm pregnant with my first, and will be meeting him soon.

Scott and I had a lovely birthday dinner.  Bennett and I both enjoyed P.F. Chang's Chinese food and a chocolatey dessert.  The time we had been there prior, the manager gave us a coupon for a free appetizer because I was pregnant!  This time we redeemed it.. 
There truly are some perks to being with child.  

Christine said everything is looking good.  I've hit 39 total pounds of weight gain, so far.  I guess I just carry it well though, because it's not as bad as it sounds..  Thank heavens.  My numbers are still great.  Sleep has gotten a bit easier, now that Bennett has dropped lower down.  I'm no longer desperate for air in certain sleeping positions. 
That has been a BIG relief these days. 

I've also started drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea.  It's supposed to help tone the uterus and prepare it for labor and post-labor recovery.  I've also started taking Evening Primrose Oil which intends to soften the cervix.  Both are supposed to prepare the body for labor and move things along.  So far I'm truly enjoying the natural route of herbs and supplements. 
I feel like it's the best thing I can do for Bennett and I. 

All dolled up for my birthday!

We're getting there!

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