Wow, we made it! I'm now considered "term".
"Term" is when the baby's lungs are thought to be developed enough to survive without medical aid outside the womb; but most babies still aren't ready to come yet, even at this point. They say the baby benefits from every added day in the womb. But I wonder when Bennett will make his big arrival!
So now I'm officially in my ninth month of pregnancy. Praise the Lord for His kindness to all three of us in this pregnancy! I truly never thought we'd make it this far, with all the anxiety about my chromosomes.
But it seems God had different plans.
But it seems God had different plans.
Scott and I have read a lot about "due dates" in our natural child-birthing books. The whole idea of 40 weeks was developed by a doctor in the 1900's. It's since been proven to not be the most effective way of calculating the length of a pregnancy. The truth is, it's actually ten lunar months. My midwife says the new rule of thumb is "41-1". 41 weeks and 1 day is generally the average for expecting women, especially if it's their first child. So we're not getting too caught up in expecting Bennett on his due date..
After all - only 5% of babies are actually born on their due date.
After all - only 5% of babies are actually born on their due date.
I'm continuing to take the Raspberry Leaf tea. I wasn't enjoying it hot, so I've learned to make an iced tea out of it. That way I actually have a shot at the three to four recommended servings a day. It's no easy task!
Bennett's movements are less obvious these days. He's getting relatively cramped in there, so I often feel more of a rolling sensation than a kicking one. BUT he continues to hiccup frequently.
I have to be honest and say I really don't love the way it feels.
Let's see what this week holds!
Theoretically, I can go into labor any day now...
Theoretically, I can go into labor any day now...
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