Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Saturday, February 25, 2012

38 weeks!

Still pregnant.

I can't believe I've still got a couple weeks to go!  I REALLY hope I won't be a 42-weeker..  The thought of it drives me nuts.  Not that I would ever go the route of inducing labor when it isn't ready, but I'm starting to see why people plan their labor and do it on their own terms.  
It isn't easy getting bigger and slower each week!

This week I've been experiencing some cramping and heaviness.  The other night I struggled to get out of the tub, and had to wait until the cramps passed.  I wondered if I was going into labor.. but it never went anywhere.  Hopefully my body's preparing itself and slowly dilating over time.  It'd be so nice for labor to start and already have half the work behind me! 

Scott and I have been very busy with our "To-Do" list this week..  Things like "finish the decals on the nursery wall", "write out Thank You cards from the church shower", "pack the baby bag", and "install the car seat".  I did bulk grocery shopping the other day, with plans to prepare and freeze a number of recipes.  That night, Scott and I attended a breastfeeding class and learned the basics.  Our instructor said nursing, in the first couple of weeks, can be as frequent as 12x a day for 40 minutes at a time!  That's a big commitment, but absolutely worth every second.  The benefits of breastfeeding for both the mother and child are innumerable. 

I stepped on the scale the other day at the birth center, and I was up by 44 pounds.  Good heavens!  I'm really hoping it's mostly water weight that'll come off quickly once Bennett's here.  I haven't been this weight in five years!  Of course I'm carrying much different these days, and it's mostly in my belly.  But there are only so many places 44 pounds can go.. 
Hopefully it'll start to slow down very soon. 

Still going to the gym when we can find the time.  I'm pretty impressed with myself on the treadmill.  I can't wait to get back to working out once Bennett arrives.  Zumba may not be on my list of things to do right away, but my plan is to return one day!

Bennett and I at 38 weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. You look as beautiful as ever! Btw, did you get your pack n play?
