Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Thursday, November 24, 2011

25 weeks!

This week I actually realized how fast the time is going.  I can't believe I'm a couple weeks away from the third trimester!  God has been so kind to us in my first pregnancy.  

It seems our little boy temporarily changed positions this week, and he seemed to drop somewhere out of sight for a day or two.  He was often sitting up on my right side, but I think he repositioned directly behind the placenta..  I couldn't feel him for almost two days!  Very unsettling when most of his movements were muted to begin with.  But yesterday he came back with a vengeance.. must've been the turkey and peppermint iced tea I made.  For the first time I was kept awake last night with his procession of gentle kicks and rollings. 
I'm hoping the time will come soon when Scott can fully share in feeling his little boy kick.  

I'm showing quite a bit these days!  I believe my total gain is somewhere around 18 pounds.  I see it in pesky places like my knees, but otherwise it's all centered! 
I'm actually pretty happy with this new pregnancy shape of mine.  

Oh, and also:  Scott and I had our first child-birthing class this past Monday.  It was us and nine other couples who are also looking to birth naturally and without medical intervention.  We learned a ton more about proper nutrition, and how protein is essential to a healthy pregnancy.  I'm keeping track of how many grams of protein I'm eating a day, since it should be upwards of 80 to 100 grams.  Sometimes it's a real feat!  She answered some basic questions and we got to know each other a little bit.  Although I'm nervous about the pain and discomfort to come, I'm actually really excited about the whole experience.  I'm praying that God will grant me a safe and successful birthing experience.  This little one is growing dearer and dearer to my heart. Yesterday I broke down in tears because of how grateful I am to God for him.

In two weeks I'll be having one of those [creepy] 3D/4D ultrasounds to make sure there's no cleft palate issues ahead.  It's such a bizarre thought that we'll be seeing our little boy's face.  I'm not entirely sure I want to look!  But I'm sure curiosity will get the best of me.  Technology has opened up the doors for some pretty amazing things..

The size of our baby this month?
An eggplant!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

24 weeks!

Though every week has given us a reason to celebrate,
24 weeks is extra special:  

I've officially arrived at the "point of viability"!

This is the point in my pregnancy where our little boy would have a chance at survival outside my womb, should something go amiss.   

I had a good week this week.  Saturday was my family baby shower, and I got to celebrate with all my local friends and family.  Scott and I were given so many beautiful things for this little boy of ours!  I can't wait to be wrapping him up in blankets and duckie onesies.  I relaxed a lot at home, and got to spend some time with old friends.  I took a few walks down memory lane, and even made some new memories..  

I haven't felt nearly as tired this week, which has been really helpful.  My midwife called with the results of my bloodwork from last week, and she said my levels looked ok.  My hemoglobin had dropped from 13.5 to 12, so she said that could be the reason for having felt so tired.  If it continues to go down, I may be considered anemic..  So I'll have to keep an eye on eating iron-rich foods.  She'll check it again in a month or so, and see if supplements are necessary.  

Tomorrow I start the ride back to Charlotte.  I'm praying for alertness and restful sleep in between.  

Some great pictures from my shower:

Oh... and we've made his name official!
Have you heard it yet?..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

23 weeks!

I guess some pregnancy weeks are less eventful than other weeks.. 
 This'd be one of those!

More bumps and pushes from our little boy, but so far only two big kicks.  I'm starting to feel him more frequently in the morning and at nighttime.  I look forward to his gentle prods reminding me that he's ok.  I'm constantly thanking God for His beautiful design of pregnancy.  I'm getting very excited about the thought of meeting this little boy..
I can't imagine how impatient we'll both be towards the very end!

I watched The Business of Being Born this past week.. again.  It's almost like figuring out a math problem and realizing it made sense all along; you just had to arrive there yourself.  That's how I feel when I look toward a natural child-birthing process.  It makes so much sense to me.  God designed women's bodies to create, sustain, and birth children all without help from anyone else.  I sure look forward to having my husband's support and a knowledgeable midwife, but it's truly all up to me.. Woah!

Scott and I are starting our Bradley childbirth classes on the 21st and I'm really curious to hit the ground running.  I want to be as prepared as possible!  I'm currently reading one of the three required books:  Husband-Coached Childbirth, by Dr. Bradley, himself.
Good book.  

My best friend and I road-tripped it up to New York yesterday for my family shower this Saturday!  We had to stop regularly for bathroom breaks and to make sure I wasn't in one position for too long.  It took about 12 hours in total, but we're now happy in our hometown for a week.

And for those of you curious about my pre-natal vitamin choice:

Liquid, food-based [gluten free] Floradix!
 It's made of fruit juices, and very palatable.
I tried two other pre-natals, and this one comes with my best recommendation.

Until next week.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

22 weeks!

Other than horrific fatigue, this week has been pretty good!

I have my monthly appointment with my midwife tomorrow, and we're actually going to check for anemia with a blood draw; anemia runs in the family, and I've been embarrassingly tired lately.  I spent Sunday on the couch, when I much rather would've been at church with my church family.  If I weren't pregnant, I'd simply caffeinate myself from morning to night, but obviously that's not a good idea.
I'll include my blood test results in next week's post..

This little boy has been moving around a lot more this week!  I've still only had two definitive kicks, but I've been feeling a good bit of pushing and rolling about.  I'm almost desperate to start experiencing these kicks everyone's been raving about!  I'm feeling him predominately on my right side.  Oh, and sleeping has been hard, too.  Scott bought me a body pillow a couple weeks back, and I'm constantly trying to position myself correctly so I'm not flat on my back.  
My, how pregnancy changes just about everything..

Not sure of my total weight gain just yet, but I'm getting nervous!  I keep asking Scott if he sees the weight gain anywhere else than in my belly, and he confidently responds with a no.  I'm not seeing it anywhere else either, and I want it to stay that way. 
But I've got many weeks left to go..

Also, we believe we've decided on a name!  The name's on a trial run inside the home for a while, before it goes public.  Maybe I'll make the "big reveal" at my family shower on Saturday, the 12th.  
Only time will tell..

The size of our baby this week?
A papaya!
Looks like from 22 weeks on, we'll only get one fruit a month. 
So papaya it is, through the 24th week..