Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Thursday, December 29, 2011

30 weeks!

Wow!  30 weeks. 
This has been one of the milestones I've been waiting for.

Scott and I had a very busy week.  We flew up to New York for Christmas, and had a great time with family and friends.  It's nice when people encourage you by saying how great you look.  At this point in the pregnancy, it can be tough to be confident with ones weight gain and changing shape.  Although I'm glad we didn't drive, flying wasn't the easiest either.  I painfully realized how small the planes have gotten these days.. especially when the bathroom door contended for space with my burgeoning belly.  Bennett's been doing a number on my diaphragm space these days, so breathing well took a conscious effort.  The car ride from LGA airport to my parents' house [and back] wasn't easy, either.  Needless to say, I'm glad to be home and done with any foreseeable traveling until the birth.

My appetite has started to pick up in an obvious way.  Throughout this entire pregnancy, I've avoided cravings and the compulsion to eat.. until now.  It seems like every two hours I'm ready to eat another meal!  I'll need to keep an eye on the weight gain, though. 
"A moment on the lips is forever on the hips."

Otherwise, Christine called with my blood test results.  My hemoglobin's 11.9, and my glucose is 85.  Everything looks good! 

Cute picture below from our last night in NY with friends.
I look crazy.

Monday, December 19, 2011

29 weeks!

Wow, we're really getting there. 
March no longer seems a million miles away!  

But I'm thankful for the time remaining before Bennett's due.  Scott and I still have a lot to learn about preparing for and coping through a natural birth.  We still have to move to our new house, and a nursery needs to be set up!  Even though sometimes I wish I could fast-forward through this pregnancy, I'm grateful for the now. 

I had my 29th week appointment with our midwife today.  She took a fasting blood test to check my glucose levels, as well as rechecking my hemoglobin.  I suspect the numbers will come back just fine, as I haven't had any other issues.  Christine doesn't believe in that awful "chug a bottle of sugar water" test to check for gestational diabetes; she says it's a ridiculous thing to put a pregnant woman and her baby through. 
So for that, I'm glad. 

Currently Bennett is sitting breech and posterior.  We're not concerned at this point though, since we've still got a couple months.  But if at some point he remains breech, she'll try moving his position.  I heard it can be pretty uncomfortable, but totally worth it!  By state law, a licensed midwife cannot perform a breech birth...
But we won't put the cart before the horse. 

Total weight gain?  28 pounds!  Ugh.  I only have the slightest swelling in my ankles, but nothing to worry about.  She said I should expect to gain another 10 pounds or so by birth.  Ten more pounds! 
Heaven help me. 
But so far I still think I'm carrying pretty well. 

His heartbeat check was great: 150 beats per minute!  So far nothing else to report on Bennett.  But I'm sleeping a little better since starting with the chiropractor.  It'll be curious to see what else comes with a growing baby boy. 

This week Scott and I gifted ourselves [& Bennett] with a beautiful children's CD called "Guess How Much I Love You".  I first heard it when babysitting for a family up in Vermont a few years back.  I promised myself I'd buy it and have it playing in the nursery when we had our first child.  It arrived yesterday, a three-volume CD.  I really don't like the first CD, but #2 and #3 are incredible. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

28 weeks!

This week's been pretty great!  We started the week off right away with our 3D ultrasound.

As far as everything looks, Bennett James is happy and healthy, and growing very well.  We were able to see his beautiful little face, and no cleft lips were to be found.  In one of the photos he had his mouth open, and he almost seemed to be smiling! 
Scott and I are thanking God abundantly for His kindness to us and our little boy.  

Other than that, I've been faithfully attending a chiropractor.  I've been greatly reaping the benefits of a properly aligned back.. because a big belly sure does put a strain on one's body.  Scott and I also attended our fifth childbirthing class, and we're truly enjoying the experience.  We've been studiously reading our materials, and he's preparing to be a great childbirthing coach for me.  I'm going to need it.

And with less than three months to go before the birth, Scott and I are moving!  We'll only be moving about three miles from our rental now, but we'll be homeowners again!  Our closing is this Thursday, and we can't wait to own a cute little townhouse in a quiet neighborhood.  Lots to do, but now we'll be able to give little Bennett a proper nursery.  Exciting time.

Bennett's weight this week, according to the ultrasound?
2.5 pounds!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

27 weeks!

 Time is both flying by and creeping along. 
The thought of being 30 weeks in a few weeks is crazy!

I've been enjoying my renewed energy these days.  Scott's been getting home-cooked meals, and I've been able to keep up with making jewelry.  Tomorrow night I'm even hosting another jewelry party at my house for the holidays!  Scott's been a wonderful husband helping with chores and errands that seem too much for me these days.  I thank God dearly for both my husband and this little boy.

So I went to the chiropractor yesterday for the first time since we lived in Vermont.  I went from a week and a half of back spasms to no pain, in just one adjustment!  I'm going back tomorrow to figure out exactly what I'll need as far as a chiropractic regimen goes. 
The relief was incredible.  

Speaking of relief - indigestion had also become a problem the tail-end of last week.  My midwife recommended taking natural papaya enzymes.  I found them at our local health food store, and they're like gold.  I popped three fruity tablets and the indigestion was gone in fifteen minutes.  A couple with each meal, and I haven't had indigestion since the day I bought them!  She recommended papaya enzymes with chlorophyll, for those interested.  

This Saturday Scott and I are going in for our 3D ultrasound.  It'll be really interesting to see what results! 

My tummy's getting really big these days!
Here's proof. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

26 weeks!

Two things have marked this week in specific: 

One, my energy is finally coming back!,
and two, my back is killing me these days.

Right around Thanksgiving I noticed my energy increasing.  I could tell, because ever since turkey day I've been in the kitchen cooking like a fool!  That hasn't happened in months, truthfully.  But it seems right around the time that my energy came back, I've been plagued by back spasms that won't go away.  Our chiropractor up in Vermont predicted this would happen, if I didn't keep up my chiropractor visits; and he was absolutely right.  26 weeks seemed to have turned the corner for me.  I think I'm starting to go down hill!  Going up the stairs ain't what it used to be..  Neither is sitting up in bed, or getting out of the bathtub. 
If I'm already struggling at 26 weeks, what will I be like in 3 months?!  

I've decided this week that a chiropractor is no longer a luxury, but rather a real necessity.  I've avoided couches like the plague, and am often sitting on the floor for fear of back spasms.  I refuse to be taken down by this belly weight!  Speaking of weight, at my weigh-in this week, I had gained about 21 pounds.  Not too bad, since I've only got 14 weeks or so to go.. 
AND they say some women stop gaining [or even lose a little] in the last few weeks. 

I had a very thorough meeting with my midwife this week.  We talked for almost an hour about my fears and concerns and details of the labor.  I also decided to bring a doula on-board for my birth.  Her name is Loretta, and she's an older friend from church.  But what's a "doula", you say?  According to the national doula website:

The word "doula" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves", and is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth.  Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily.

So my labor team will now comprise of me, my husband and coach, my midwife, and my doula!  I'm pretty excited.   I thank God for His provision to me, and I look forward with anticipation to meeting our little boy.