Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Thursday, December 29, 2011

30 weeks!

Wow!  30 weeks. 
This has been one of the milestones I've been waiting for.

Scott and I had a very busy week.  We flew up to New York for Christmas, and had a great time with family and friends.  It's nice when people encourage you by saying how great you look.  At this point in the pregnancy, it can be tough to be confident with ones weight gain and changing shape.  Although I'm glad we didn't drive, flying wasn't the easiest either.  I painfully realized how small the planes have gotten these days.. especially when the bathroom door contended for space with my burgeoning belly.  Bennett's been doing a number on my diaphragm space these days, so breathing well took a conscious effort.  The car ride from LGA airport to my parents' house [and back] wasn't easy, either.  Needless to say, I'm glad to be home and done with any foreseeable traveling until the birth.

My appetite has started to pick up in an obvious way.  Throughout this entire pregnancy, I've avoided cravings and the compulsion to eat.. until now.  It seems like every two hours I'm ready to eat another meal!  I'll need to keep an eye on the weight gain, though. 
"A moment on the lips is forever on the hips."

Otherwise, Christine called with my blood test results.  My hemoglobin's 11.9, and my glucose is 85.  Everything looks good! 

Cute picture below from our last night in NY with friends.
I look crazy.

Monday, December 19, 2011

29 weeks!

Wow, we're really getting there. 
March no longer seems a million miles away!  

But I'm thankful for the time remaining before Bennett's due.  Scott and I still have a lot to learn about preparing for and coping through a natural birth.  We still have to move to our new house, and a nursery needs to be set up!  Even though sometimes I wish I could fast-forward through this pregnancy, I'm grateful for the now. 

I had my 29th week appointment with our midwife today.  She took a fasting blood test to check my glucose levels, as well as rechecking my hemoglobin.  I suspect the numbers will come back just fine, as I haven't had any other issues.  Christine doesn't believe in that awful "chug a bottle of sugar water" test to check for gestational diabetes; she says it's a ridiculous thing to put a pregnant woman and her baby through. 
So for that, I'm glad. 

Currently Bennett is sitting breech and posterior.  We're not concerned at this point though, since we've still got a couple months.  But if at some point he remains breech, she'll try moving his position.  I heard it can be pretty uncomfortable, but totally worth it!  By state law, a licensed midwife cannot perform a breech birth...
But we won't put the cart before the horse. 

Total weight gain?  28 pounds!  Ugh.  I only have the slightest swelling in my ankles, but nothing to worry about.  She said I should expect to gain another 10 pounds or so by birth.  Ten more pounds! 
Heaven help me. 
But so far I still think I'm carrying pretty well. 

His heartbeat check was great: 150 beats per minute!  So far nothing else to report on Bennett.  But I'm sleeping a little better since starting with the chiropractor.  It'll be curious to see what else comes with a growing baby boy. 

This week Scott and I gifted ourselves [& Bennett] with a beautiful children's CD called "Guess How Much I Love You".  I first heard it when babysitting for a family up in Vermont a few years back.  I promised myself I'd buy it and have it playing in the nursery when we had our first child.  It arrived yesterday, a three-volume CD.  I really don't like the first CD, but #2 and #3 are incredible. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

28 weeks!

This week's been pretty great!  We started the week off right away with our 3D ultrasound.

As far as everything looks, Bennett James is happy and healthy, and growing very well.  We were able to see his beautiful little face, and no cleft lips were to be found.  In one of the photos he had his mouth open, and he almost seemed to be smiling! 
Scott and I are thanking God abundantly for His kindness to us and our little boy.  

Other than that, I've been faithfully attending a chiropractor.  I've been greatly reaping the benefits of a properly aligned back.. because a big belly sure does put a strain on one's body.  Scott and I also attended our fifth childbirthing class, and we're truly enjoying the experience.  We've been studiously reading our materials, and he's preparing to be a great childbirthing coach for me.  I'm going to need it.

And with less than three months to go before the birth, Scott and I are moving!  We'll only be moving about three miles from our rental now, but we'll be homeowners again!  Our closing is this Thursday, and we can't wait to own a cute little townhouse in a quiet neighborhood.  Lots to do, but now we'll be able to give little Bennett a proper nursery.  Exciting time.

Bennett's weight this week, according to the ultrasound?
2.5 pounds!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

27 weeks!

 Time is both flying by and creeping along. 
The thought of being 30 weeks in a few weeks is crazy!

I've been enjoying my renewed energy these days.  Scott's been getting home-cooked meals, and I've been able to keep up with making jewelry.  Tomorrow night I'm even hosting another jewelry party at my house for the holidays!  Scott's been a wonderful husband helping with chores and errands that seem too much for me these days.  I thank God dearly for both my husband and this little boy.

So I went to the chiropractor yesterday for the first time since we lived in Vermont.  I went from a week and a half of back spasms to no pain, in just one adjustment!  I'm going back tomorrow to figure out exactly what I'll need as far as a chiropractic regimen goes. 
The relief was incredible.  

Speaking of relief - indigestion had also become a problem the tail-end of last week.  My midwife recommended taking natural papaya enzymes.  I found them at our local health food store, and they're like gold.  I popped three fruity tablets and the indigestion was gone in fifteen minutes.  A couple with each meal, and I haven't had indigestion since the day I bought them!  She recommended papaya enzymes with chlorophyll, for those interested.  

This Saturday Scott and I are going in for our 3D ultrasound.  It'll be really interesting to see what results! 

My tummy's getting really big these days!
Here's proof. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

26 weeks!

Two things have marked this week in specific: 

One, my energy is finally coming back!,
and two, my back is killing me these days.

Right around Thanksgiving I noticed my energy increasing.  I could tell, because ever since turkey day I've been in the kitchen cooking like a fool!  That hasn't happened in months, truthfully.  But it seems right around the time that my energy came back, I've been plagued by back spasms that won't go away.  Our chiropractor up in Vermont predicted this would happen, if I didn't keep up my chiropractor visits; and he was absolutely right.  26 weeks seemed to have turned the corner for me.  I think I'm starting to go down hill!  Going up the stairs ain't what it used to be..  Neither is sitting up in bed, or getting out of the bathtub. 
If I'm already struggling at 26 weeks, what will I be like in 3 months?!  

I've decided this week that a chiropractor is no longer a luxury, but rather a real necessity.  I've avoided couches like the plague, and am often sitting on the floor for fear of back spasms.  I refuse to be taken down by this belly weight!  Speaking of weight, at my weigh-in this week, I had gained about 21 pounds.  Not too bad, since I've only got 14 weeks or so to go.. 
AND they say some women stop gaining [or even lose a little] in the last few weeks. 

I had a very thorough meeting with my midwife this week.  We talked for almost an hour about my fears and concerns and details of the labor.  I also decided to bring a doula on-board for my birth.  Her name is Loretta, and she's an older friend from church.  But what's a "doula", you say?  According to the national doula website:

The word "doula" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves", and is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth.  Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily.

So my labor team will now comprise of me, my husband and coach, my midwife, and my doula!  I'm pretty excited.   I thank God for His provision to me, and I look forward with anticipation to meeting our little boy. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

25 weeks!

This week I actually realized how fast the time is going.  I can't believe I'm a couple weeks away from the third trimester!  God has been so kind to us in my first pregnancy.  

It seems our little boy temporarily changed positions this week, and he seemed to drop somewhere out of sight for a day or two.  He was often sitting up on my right side, but I think he repositioned directly behind the placenta..  I couldn't feel him for almost two days!  Very unsettling when most of his movements were muted to begin with.  But yesterday he came back with a vengeance.. must've been the turkey and peppermint iced tea I made.  For the first time I was kept awake last night with his procession of gentle kicks and rollings. 
I'm hoping the time will come soon when Scott can fully share in feeling his little boy kick.  

I'm showing quite a bit these days!  I believe my total gain is somewhere around 18 pounds.  I see it in pesky places like my knees, but otherwise it's all centered! 
I'm actually pretty happy with this new pregnancy shape of mine.  

Oh, and also:  Scott and I had our first child-birthing class this past Monday.  It was us and nine other couples who are also looking to birth naturally and without medical intervention.  We learned a ton more about proper nutrition, and how protein is essential to a healthy pregnancy.  I'm keeping track of how many grams of protein I'm eating a day, since it should be upwards of 80 to 100 grams.  Sometimes it's a real feat!  She answered some basic questions and we got to know each other a little bit.  Although I'm nervous about the pain and discomfort to come, I'm actually really excited about the whole experience.  I'm praying that God will grant me a safe and successful birthing experience.  This little one is growing dearer and dearer to my heart. Yesterday I broke down in tears because of how grateful I am to God for him.

In two weeks I'll be having one of those [creepy] 3D/4D ultrasounds to make sure there's no cleft palate issues ahead.  It's such a bizarre thought that we'll be seeing our little boy's face.  I'm not entirely sure I want to look!  But I'm sure curiosity will get the best of me.  Technology has opened up the doors for some pretty amazing things..

The size of our baby this month?
An eggplant!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

24 weeks!

Though every week has given us a reason to celebrate,
24 weeks is extra special:  

I've officially arrived at the "point of viability"!

This is the point in my pregnancy where our little boy would have a chance at survival outside my womb, should something go amiss.   

I had a good week this week.  Saturday was my family baby shower, and I got to celebrate with all my local friends and family.  Scott and I were given so many beautiful things for this little boy of ours!  I can't wait to be wrapping him up in blankets and duckie onesies.  I relaxed a lot at home, and got to spend some time with old friends.  I took a few walks down memory lane, and even made some new memories..  

I haven't felt nearly as tired this week, which has been really helpful.  My midwife called with the results of my bloodwork from last week, and she said my levels looked ok.  My hemoglobin had dropped from 13.5 to 12, so she said that could be the reason for having felt so tired.  If it continues to go down, I may be considered anemic..  So I'll have to keep an eye on eating iron-rich foods.  She'll check it again in a month or so, and see if supplements are necessary.  

Tomorrow I start the ride back to Charlotte.  I'm praying for alertness and restful sleep in between.  

Some great pictures from my shower:

Oh... and we've made his name official!
Have you heard it yet?..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

23 weeks!

I guess some pregnancy weeks are less eventful than other weeks.. 
 This'd be one of those!

More bumps and pushes from our little boy, but so far only two big kicks.  I'm starting to feel him more frequently in the morning and at nighttime.  I look forward to his gentle prods reminding me that he's ok.  I'm constantly thanking God for His beautiful design of pregnancy.  I'm getting very excited about the thought of meeting this little boy..
I can't imagine how impatient we'll both be towards the very end!

I watched The Business of Being Born this past week.. again.  It's almost like figuring out a math problem and realizing it made sense all along; you just had to arrive there yourself.  That's how I feel when I look toward a natural child-birthing process.  It makes so much sense to me.  God designed women's bodies to create, sustain, and birth children all without help from anyone else.  I sure look forward to having my husband's support and a knowledgeable midwife, but it's truly all up to me.. Woah!

Scott and I are starting our Bradley childbirth classes on the 21st and I'm really curious to hit the ground running.  I want to be as prepared as possible!  I'm currently reading one of the three required books:  Husband-Coached Childbirth, by Dr. Bradley, himself.
Good book.  

My best friend and I road-tripped it up to New York yesterday for my family shower this Saturday!  We had to stop regularly for bathroom breaks and to make sure I wasn't in one position for too long.  It took about 12 hours in total, but we're now happy in our hometown for a week.

And for those of you curious about my pre-natal vitamin choice:

Liquid, food-based [gluten free] Floradix!
 It's made of fruit juices, and very palatable.
I tried two other pre-natals, and this one comes with my best recommendation.

Until next week.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

22 weeks!

Other than horrific fatigue, this week has been pretty good!

I have my monthly appointment with my midwife tomorrow, and we're actually going to check for anemia with a blood draw; anemia runs in the family, and I've been embarrassingly tired lately.  I spent Sunday on the couch, when I much rather would've been at church with my church family.  If I weren't pregnant, I'd simply caffeinate myself from morning to night, but obviously that's not a good idea.
I'll include my blood test results in next week's post..

This little boy has been moving around a lot more this week!  I've still only had two definitive kicks, but I've been feeling a good bit of pushing and rolling about.  I'm almost desperate to start experiencing these kicks everyone's been raving about!  I'm feeling him predominately on my right side.  Oh, and sleeping has been hard, too.  Scott bought me a body pillow a couple weeks back, and I'm constantly trying to position myself correctly so I'm not flat on my back.  
My, how pregnancy changes just about everything..

Not sure of my total weight gain just yet, but I'm getting nervous!  I keep asking Scott if he sees the weight gain anywhere else than in my belly, and he confidently responds with a no.  I'm not seeing it anywhere else either, and I want it to stay that way. 
But I've got many weeks left to go..

Also, we believe we've decided on a name!  The name's on a trial run inside the home for a while, before it goes public.  Maybe I'll make the "big reveal" at my family shower on Saturday, the 12th.  
Only time will tell..

The size of our baby this week?
A papaya!
Looks like from 22 weeks on, we'll only get one fruit a month. 
So papaya it is, through the 24th week..

Monday, October 24, 2011

21 weeks!

Two kicks this week!  

Most of this little boy's movements have been extremely muted because of the location of the placenta, but I've definitely felt two definitive kicks.  

One was late at night while Scott and I were in bed, and the other was last night during Communion!  We certainly will be having a covenant child.  Last night in church, the kick was so prominent that I almost laughed while the wine was being passed around.  I waited patiently for another, but it never came.  The kick was high up and centered: almost near my sternum... I'm guessing he got around the placenta and got one good kick through.  What an awesome feeling!  I smiled pleasantly to myself and shared it with Scott later on.

Otherwise, I've been feeling very tired lately.  Scott's working overnights these days, so I'm trying desperately to stay on a normal schedule.  I often find myself up at midnight and regretting it.  This mama-to-be needs her sleep!  Usually within an hour or two of getting up, I'm ready for a nap.  Sheesh.  

It depends upon the scale I'm using, but I'd say I've gained about 13 pounds at this point.  Not too bad, considering I eat what I want.  Or more like, whatever's NOT on my list of aversions I'll eat.  Can't say I've quite graduated into the cravings, just yet..  But some people never do.  I'd be better off!

Just felt a muted kick on my right side.  Seems to be where most of his activity takes place.  I Googled what a child born at 21 weeks looks like, and I couldn't believe it!  At this point in the pregnancy, a baby is a miniature replica of what it will be at birth.  It's incredible how God has designed things.  I'm amazed by His creation in a whole new way these days..

Me in my first maternity jeans!

The size of our baby this week?
A banana!!  Yum.
PS - Banana Runts are the best!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

20 weeks! - IT'S A BOY!

Twenty weeks!   A big milestone for pregnancy.  

I am officially half way to a being a mother and holding my little baby.  Not only does this mark the half-way point to labor, but the risks of miscarriage have majorly depleted at this point. 
I am starting to really believe this will happen for us!

Scott and I had our 20-week ultrasound three days ago, and the doctor said HE looks great!  She even used the words "perfectly symmetrical".  At the appointment, she measured his weight at 12 ounces.  If I've gained twelve POUNDS, what's up with the other eleven?

For various reasons I was expecting a boy, and that's exactly what we got.  For a brief second, I thought I saw a girl on the screen, but this little boy wouldn't have it!  She was able to get some very thorough shots of various parts, but unfortunately could not see the face or heart as clearly as she would've liked.  He wasn't being as cooperative as possible, I guess.  As a result, the photos came out fuzzy and indistinct.  But what she did see, she was very pleased with. 
Then so are we!  

No girl for me, this time around.  For now, I'll have to put my dreams of bonnets and hair-clips and polka dots away..  The Lord knows best, and all that comes from the hand of God is good.  I'm learning to get very excited about this little boy.  He's been starting to move around a bit more, but it's still pretty nondescript.  The doctor says I've got an "anterior placenta", which just means that my placenta is in front of the baby.  The only thing about that is it makes his kicks and movements harder to feel.. but almost half the population of women have that. 
So it goes!  

A couple photos from the 20-week ultrasound.  Praise the Lord for His goodness to us!  As far as we know, we've been given a healthy baby boy to love and raise.  Scott's very excited to have a son.  We're mulling over the same two names, and will decide soon.  

God is good!

The size of our baby this week?
A cantaloupe!

Monday, October 10, 2011

19 weeks!

19 weeks.. almost half-way there.

Been kind of concerned by the lack of movement this week..  But both my midwife and Scott are reminding me that it's normal not to feel regular movement until at least 20 weeks.  However, it would sure be nice to feel the baby moving.  I can't wait for the day that I'm feeling this little one jumping about.  I wouldn't have to worry that something has gone catastrophically wrong without me knowing..  

Other than that, some headaches here and there.  The fatigue is getting a little better now that I'm not working nearly as much.  I can't imagine working full-time like some women do!  Oh, and weight gain?  Ten [bloody] pounds!!  Yikes.  The good news is that it's all centralized in my tummy..  For an avid Weight Watcher, this ain't the easiest thing to embrace.  But Christine keeps reminding me that about 90% of it comes off within a week or so of birth.  Nursing gets rid of the last bit hanging around, and then exercise should get me back on track.  I wouldn't mind fighting with 5 or so pesky pounds, though..
Not if it earned me a happy, healthy baby! 

I'm chomping at the bit to find out the gender.  T-7 days until our 20-week ultrasound.  I would truly love a girl, but a boy would be great, too!  Scott's parents kindly bought us the crib and matching dresser this past weekend, and it's due to arrive in two months or so.  Next week Scott and I will be registering for our shower up in New York.  My mom's throwing me a baby shower mid-November, and inviting some friends and family.  Showers are the best!  Just got news that my best friend will be flying in from Seattle and will be in attendance.  Wonderful news!

If all goes well, my next entry will reveal the gender of our little one.  And hopefully good news about the genetics and physical growth.  

The size of our baby this week?
A mango!

Our baby weighs half a pound! 
The other 9.5....?  Water weight, blood volume, placenta.  Ew.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

18 weeks!

The prominent theme of this week has been: 

Was that the baby moving?!...

I can say there have been some instances in which I've felt movement, but I'm holding out for a sure thing. 

I had my monthly check-up with Christine today, and we had another strong heartbeat: 157 bpm this time!  The only thing that points to a possible girl in this pregnancy is the heartbeat.. everything else [and everyone else] is shouting boucin' baby BOY!! 
We shall see. 

Next week we have our [very exciting!] 20-week ultrasound to determine the gender of this little one.  We'll also be able to check on the physical formation of the baby, as well.  This will be a very important check-up for me, since we forewent the amniocentesis for the baby's sake, and are waiting [im]patiently to make sure our baby isn't a Trisomy.  
Lord, have mercy.

The size of our baby this week?
A sweet potato!

Monday, September 26, 2011

17.5 weeks!

Still going strong!  

Had a heartbeat check a couple days ago, and the baby's heartbeat was 149.  At first my midwife was having a hard time finding the heartbeat, but she said the baby was probably laying with its back towards the doppler.  Phew!  

Fatigue has been slowing me down lately.. Even today, within two hours of waking up, I'm tired again!  Headaches have also been a chronic problem.  My midwife said it could still be hormonal levels, but to keep an eye on hydration.  I keep acetaminophen in my purse, because these headaches pop up randomly throughout the day.  But it's nothing I can't handle. It's all worth it, if we get a healthy baby out of it!

Lately I've been really preoccupied with wanting to feel the baby move.  They say first time moms will usually start to feel the baby's movements between 16 and 20 weeks.  I'm coming up on the 18th week this Friday!  Every so often I'll feel something out of the ordinary, I'll stop mid-track and wait for a second, and it never comes in two's.  

I can't wait to start to feeling the movements that are not easily dismissible.  C'moooooooon, baby!

Scott and I went to Charleston, SC this weekend for the first time.  We got some great "baby in belly" shots to share!  

Size of our baby at 17.5 weeks?
An onion! 
[Some of these visuals I have a heard time grasping...]

Monday, September 19, 2011

16 weeks!

16 weeks and 3 days.

A few days ago I happily entered the fifth month of pregnancy! 

Not a whole lot to report this week, except that I'm showing slightly more with each entry.  It's funny because my stomach starts reasonably small in the mornings, and is huge by dinnertime!  Apparently a lot of this is bloat and other various internal happenings, so I wonder how much of it is actually baby. 

I'm getting more and more impatient about finding out the gender.  The first two or three months, I didn't really think much about it.  I guess with all the awful worrying, I just wanted any baby who would live.  I still worry [some days are much worse than others], but I'm finally starting to focus on other things.  After all,
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
- Matthew 6:27

I've contacted my birthing center about natural childbirth classes and am looking forward to starting those at some point.  The particular one that my midwife recommended to me was the Bradley classes.  She attended those for her own pregnancies, and they come with her personal recommendation.  Here's a lengthy yet helpful summary of what the Bradley classes teach: 

The Bradley Method teaches natural childbirth and views birth as a natural process.  This method encourages mothers to trust their bodies using natural breathing, relaxation, nutrition, exercise, and education.  Class attendants learn a simple method of increasing self-awareness, learning how to deal with the stress of labor by tuning in to her body.  The Bradley Method is also known as “Husband-Coached Childbirth” and classes teach husbands how to be good coaches for their partners.  Classes are usually 10-12 weeks in length and cover:  nutrition, exercise, active participation by the husband as coach, stages of labor, relaxation, breastfeeding, unexpected situations, and preparing for your new family.

And I see I'm long overdue to include the link to our phenomenal birthing center and all the wonderful people who work there:
On another note, I'm wondering if I might be carrying a boy. 
Can't shake the feeling.. but I don't pretend to know a thing.  We'll see for sure in a month or so.

The size and length of our baby this week?
An avocado!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

15 weeks, Part II.

My energy is definitely picking up this week!  

I've been struggling with some pretty regular headaches, but they're nothing a little caffeine and Acetaminophen can't cure.  And my nausea is almost a thing of the past!  However, a stuffy nose has come on within the past week or two, and it's hanging around.  As each week passes, my symptoms are almost textbook.  It's a very encouraging thing to feel "right on track".  I've gained roughly four pounds at this point, but I look like I've gained ten! 
The good news is it's all in my stomach.  

I decided to poll people on Facebook and get their gut instinct on whether we'll be having a boy or a girl.  I couldn't believe the overwhelming responses to boy!!  .. Do other people know something I don't?  I would really love to have a girl, but I think a boy would be neat for my parents and for Scott.  
We should be finding out in about a month.  

This past Saturday, Scott and I went to a huge southern Charlotte consignment fair and got some gently-used maternity clothes, as well as some gender-neutral baby clothes!  I couldn't control myself when I saw yellow chicky buntings for a dollar.  We got some chicky socks, and an "I Love Daddy" fuzzy pajama!  I love chickies, and I absolutely plan to inundate this child [and everyone else involved] with yellow chicks and baby lambs. 

Below is my first baby bump picture. 
It was taken at 15 weeks, but I look like I'm 30.  

How is that four pounds?!

Friday, September 9, 2011

15 weeks!

Yesterday was a good day!  

I had a third appointment with my midwife and we got a great heartbeat.  It had been a month since any empirical evidence that all is well, so I was extremely ready for encouraging news.  The past two weeks have been much easier physically than the first trimester, so it's crazy to think that our baby is growing faithfully in size.  How can it be that the larger the baby gets, the better I feel?!  I know that'll come to an end eventually, but I'm certainly enjoying the change for the better.  Scott and I even took the dogs for a walk last night and I wasn't exhausted.
That's a personal victory.

We went to Babies 'R Us for the first time last week and enjoyed walking around.  I wanted to talk to every pregnant woman there, but they all seemed more interested in strollers and crib sheets.  Oh well.  We parked in the "Expectant Mothers" spot in the parking lot!  I did the same yesterday at the grocery store and loved every second of it.

In two weeks I'll be going back for another heartbeat check.  It's a little bit of a haul to the birthing center down in Fort Mill, SC, but it's absolutely worth the drive.  I love being at the center surrounded by midwives and other mothers-to-be.  
It's a good feeling.

Below are some fun shots, including our first video:
Yesterday's heartbeat in the 150's!  
[The reading of 75 was mine.]

The size of our baby this week?

An orange!

Friday, September 2, 2011

14 weeks!

14 weeks today!  No doubt about it, I'm in the second trimester. 

This past week was a little rough, as far as symptoms go.  I think I got some gluten in my diet, and it completely wiped me out.  I had little to no energy for most of the week.  But the nausea has subsided a great deal!  Just minutes after my last post, the nausea came back for a day or two.  I spent the week at my parents' house in New York, so I was struggling to eat right outside of my usual environment.  I worried that I had too much sugar and not enough protein and nutrients. 
This poor baby!  

I've started to show a little bit in my lower abdomen, but nothing too noticeable yet.  I've also been able to feel my uterus when I poke around on my belly.. Feels like a hard knot. 

My mom and I went maternity shopping together at Kohl's and I got some really great stuff!  I think the plan is to wear as many dresses this pregnancy as possible.  Who wants to mess around with tight pants and elastic waist-bands?  Not me.  I was also given two beautiful handmade bonnets by an extremely talented friend and young woman.  [Thanks, Kalie!]  If she gets a website up and running, I'll be sure to share the site. 

Not too much else to report.  But later this week, I'll be going back for another check-up with my midwife.  We'll check for the heartbeat again and discuss nutrition and other pressing issues.

The size of our baby this week?
A lemon! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

13 weeks today!

I can't believe I've arrived at the 13th week!  The Lord has been so merciful to the three of us.

There seems to be conflicting points of view as to when the second trimester officially begins, but I'm going by my lovely midwife's wisdom: Today I've arrived at the wonderful and beautiful second trimester of pregnancy! 
Praise God.

Most marked difference?  Well, the nausea went from bad, to worse, to... where is it?  Yesterday and today I woke up without that horrible nauseated feeling.  I braced myself and waited for it to come, but it never did.  Of course it's nice to say [a temporary?] goodbye my old friend "nausea", but it's a little nerve-racking to lose symptoms.. They say losing symptoms is the first sign of miscarriage.  But I need to rest in the fact that I'm far enough along to where symptoms often fade.  I also had my familiar pregnancy headache last night that wouldn't go away without a long night's sleep. 

I'm nervous that I've been having a little too much caffeine lately though, but I think it's ok..  I've been incorporating a little more meat and veggies into my diet as well.  Hallelujah.  There's nothing worse than eating poorly and feeling down-right guilty the entire time. 
Pregnancy is NOT easy! 

I showed the ultrasound pictures to some friends and family and they all enjoyed a sneak-peak.  At this stage in the game, babies are kinda funny-looking on screen:  A friend of mine swears I'm giving birth to Spider Man.  I guess that's not the worst that can happen..

The size of our beautiful baby at 13 weeks?

A peach!! 

 I'm thrilled because peaches have been a staple of my diet for at least 3 weeks now. 
How fitting.

Friday, August 19, 2011

12 weeks!

So today we're celebrating 12 weeks of pregnancy.  Wow.

And yesterday I got my first ultrasound done!  A friend of mine from our church works at a pregnancy center and she invited me in for an ultrasound.  I had no idea they could do abdominal ultrasounds this early in the game.. but what do I know?  All I know was the experience was grand, and I got to SEE our little baby in my stomach!  Scott couldn't make it because he's in the police academy until October, but Sarah and Tabitha were good company.  Tabitha was the nurse who did my ultrasound and she told me to come back "whenever I wanted" to get another one done.  I sure will!

They sent me home with a bunch of pictures and a 25-minute DVD of our baby.  For the most part, our baby was pretty still, but he/she moved around a good bit and we got some great shots.  The heartbeat is still strong at 160-something BPM and we could see two hands, two legs, two arms.. etc.  I couldn't believe it!  It was a great boost of confidence before I head up to New York for a week to spend time with my parents.  Along with me will be coming the DVD and still shots!

I am praising God that we're still pregnant and the baby is fully functioning inside my belly, even as I write.  We're so blessed to be anticipating a little one, and are getting more excited with each week.  We pray for a healthy baby who'll meet this world and love the Lord.

Our little one laying on its side.  

Monday, August 15, 2011

11 weeks part II.

So it's official: everyone knows!  

Yesterday in church the announcement was made that Scott and I are expecting our first child.  The congregation spent time at length in prayer for us and our developing baby.  The church is now praying faithfully for "three generations" of my family, as Deacon Andrews put it. 
How beautiful.

Also, we made it public on Facebook yesterday, so that everyone had a fair share at knowing all at once.  We didn't want to leave anyone out! 

Nausea is back with a vengeance, but I'm suspecting my synthetic pre-natal vitamin.  Scott and I looked into food-based ones, but they're either not coated or I'd have to take four.  FOUR!  I can barely swallow one without tossing my cookies. 
So much for that. 

I'm going home to New York in a week to spend some time with my mom and dad. 
I'm looking forward to that very much.  My dad is thrilled beyond belief!

And I' m not sure if I'm showing yet, or if it's all the carbs I'm inhaling..
  Here's me at 11 weeks:

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week 11

One week away from the second trimester mark.  Woah. 
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Today was an exceptionally good day.  Scott had the day off from the police academy, so he was able to come with me to my second appointment with Christine, my midwife.  We had been praying to hear a heartbeat together, and it happened!  We were so thrilled, I cried instantly.  She said the heartbeat was strong and fast.. about 173 beats.  Great sign at 11 weeks.  What a great day!

The nausea has picked up with a vengeance last night and today.. but I didn't mind.  I was so elated to have an empirical sign that things are still going well.  Today was the first time that I could actually feel pregnant.  I can't believe I have a little human inside of me with its own heartbeat.  Unreal.  

I'm not showing yet, but I hope to soon.  I'm nervous that I'll just look unfit and undo all my hard work.  I haven't been to Zumba in 7 weeks, and I'm not so happy about it.  As soon as my energy picks up and the nausea subsides, I'm back in action.  Before pregnancy, I was down 47 pounds from college graduation.  I have no intentions of gaining unnecessary weight!  

Pictures from a great day at the birthing center:

Size of our baby at 11 weeks?
A lime! =)

Week 10

 Am I really still pregnant?  

Wow, for a first pregnancy with a Robertsonian Translocation, I was shocked.  Am I really this blessed?  Still too early for me to have confidence, but those around me that knew really encouraged me to be positive.  Scott's been positive from the beginning, and both sets of our parents are assuming it will go well.  We still didn't want to make it public until I was through with the first trimester..
but we were slowly telling people that were close to us.  

This week I visited the birthing center again and got set up with a midwife.  Her name is Christine, and she's been a midwife for a couple of years.  She has a nursing degree, and actually spent 10 years working in labor and delivery.. but she decided to part ways with the clinical side of labor and go natural.  Now that's an awesome testimony!  She tried again for a heartbeat, but nothing.  This time my doula friend accompanied me since Scott had to work.  She bought me my first maternity shirt.  Totally cute!  But I feel like I'm forever away from needing it.. if I'm lucky enough to get that far. 
[Yes, I still think that way]

Still more nausea, but my appetite was picking up.  I started having more regular foods like cheese and some meats.. vegetables no longer made me run screaming.  I wasn't nearly as exhausted as I had been for the first couple of weeks.  Scott and I moved into a new apartment though, and that made things a little tricky for sleeping.  Decided not to get blood-work drawn this week, and wait until the following to hear for a heartbeat..
It was a long wait.

Totally adorable internet photo that got me through a long week:

Week 8

We're getting there.. 

But it's been weeks since I've eaten right.  I lived off of gluten-free cereal for weeks.  I tried so hard to have an appetite, but the nausea was overwhelming.  Luckily, I had only puked one day in eight weeks.  I was brushing my teeth and the gag reflex sent me reeling.  Ugh. 

I had also visited the natural birthing center down in Fort Mill, SC to check it all out.  My doula friend is a total advocate of the place, and some acquaintances from church absolutely swear by the place.  I went alone because Scott was at work.  The place was awesome!  Two birthing rooms which were set up like hotel rooms.  Each room has a birthing tub and a large shower.  The rooms are meant to give the feeling of home, and nothing reminiscent of a hospital.  

A midwife tried to listen for a heartbeat, but it was too early.  She used a doppler machine, since we're avoiding anything internal at his point.. but no luck.  She drew some more blood and the results came back great.  That was good. 

More nausea, more prayers, and more concern.  Oh, and more waiting.  

But pictures of the birthing center!

Week 7

Still pregnant.  Phew.  

One night, before I got pregnant, Scott and I were browsing the Netflix InstantQueue options on our TV.  We stumbled across a documentary called "The Business of Being Born".  We gave it a go, and it completely changed our lives.  Two hours later, we had a completely different view of pregnancy, birth, and America's healthcare system.  I won't go too into detail this early in the game, but we decided to question traditional labor in a hospital.  I had always been a huge advocate of drugs, and thought women who gave birth naturally were completely nuts.. but were they? 

In the weeks following, I had lunch with a friend from church who's a doula and a licensed lactation consultant; all totally new things to me at that point.  Somehow we got on the topic of natural childbirth and the documentary I had seen.  Keep in mind, I was pregnant at this point, but had no idea.  Upon leaving lunch that day, I was even more interested in the topic of natural childbirth, without medical intervention..  I was sensing a theme.  That Sunday in church, she brought me a couple books that discussed the topics further.  One of these books was called "Your Best Birth", and it was written by the same woman who put together the documentary Scott and I had seen a month back.  I tore through the book and became a total advocate of natural childbirth.  She made such compelling arguments of how women all across history have given birth without medical intervention for thousands of years.  Sadly, the United States has a much higher infant mortality rate than many other countries.  Interesting fact, considering how we seem to have "mastered" the whole process..  Perhaps we're fixing what isn't broken.

But anyway, got blood-work drawn and the results were conclusive:  I was definitely pregnant.  My numbers looked really good.  Still waiting... for something.

Week 5 - Surprise!

It was a Sunday morning.  

Scott and I were getting ready for church and I had been suspecting that I was possibly pregnant. We had just started trying a couple of weeks before.. I pulled a pregnancy test out from beneath the sink and did my business.  Within a minute, the ClearBlue pregnancy test read nice and loudly,  PREGNANT.  I smiled at myself in the mirror, said a prayer to our good God, and walked out to Scott at the computer.  I laid the pregnancy test down on the desk and his eyes lit up.  Scott was immediately thrilled. 
But it was a bittersweet moment for me.. 

See, I have a genetic issue that can complicate pregnancy; it's called a Robertsonian Translocation of my 13th and 14th chromosomes.  In short, it can be very tough to "hang onto" a pregnancy throughout the first trimester.  Many women with my genetic issue suffer from frequent miscarriages..  But once they're through the first trimester, the likelihood of the baby's viability goes up exponentially. 

Let's just say I found out at 5 weeks that I was pregnant, and it's been a very long couple of months.
Lots of prayer, tears, and nausea. 
But nausea's a good sign!  All we could do was wait.