Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Thursday, January 26, 2012

34 weeks!

 This week has been a great one!  

Scott and I started working out at a local gym.  It's the first time that I've really worked out since discovering that I was pregnant.  Prior to pregnancy I was at my fittest, doing high-impact dance cardio three times a week.  My how things change!  I'm working on my cardio again these days, as well as some strength training.  They say women exert as much energy during labor as one would running a marathon.  With that in mind, I've got 6 weeks or so to get back in pretty good shape. 
I'm also hoping it'll really stave off the last few pesky pounds.

We also had another 3D ultrasound to confirm that Bennett's head-down for good.  This pesky anterior placenta was making it hard for Christine to be completely confident about feeling his positioning these days.  We also got some beautiful face shots of our little boy!  They'll be included at the bottom of this post.

We had our second to last childbirthing class this past Monday night.  I think we're all starting to realize that reality's setting in, and our babies are due in the near future.  One girl is due on Valentine's Day, and is already at term!  That's going to be me soon...  Next Monday is our last class, and it's going to be sad to say our goodbyes.  But funny enough, one couple from the class actually lives in our exact neighborhood!  She and her husband are literally two minutes away, and they too love the Lord.  How great is our God! 
Scott got his official "Bradley Coach" card, and has passed the qualifications for being a great labor coach. 
I'm really going to need him!  Our childbirthing class will have a reunion once we've all had our babies. 
I'm looking forward to that.

Scott and I enjoyed dinner at P.F. Chang's tonight, courtesy of a Christmas gift card.  Apparently I chose the spiciest beef dish on the menu.. and Bennett really made me pay for it!  He's never responded to anything I've eaten before, but tonight he was kicking up a storm.   Between the rising indigestion levels and Bennett's intense movement, I thought I was done for!  But three Papaya enzymes later, I was a new woman.  Dinner was thoroughly enjoyable.. all four courses!

Here are some shots of our beautiful little boy:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

33 weeks!

I can't believe tomorrow marks the last day of this week. 
Time is moving faithfully by.

This week has been very difficult for me though, both physically and emotionally.  Scott's been assigned to an overnight shift five nights a week now, so that's turned our schedules upside down.. literally.  Looking ahead at having a newborn and no husband at nighttime is pretty discouraging. 
We're praying for God's kindness to us as we look forward with anticipation to Bennett's arrival.

Otherwise, my back is really acting up these days!  I thought my backache woes were over, but they've returned with the increasing pressure on my spine.  My chiropractor is adjusting me faithfully, but it only seems to be damage control.  I guess some pregnancy issues are unavoidable..  Sleep has also become a nightmare, no pun intended.  Breathing is getting difficult, and my hips are constantly aching from the left to right movements I'm limited to.  I can't wait to sleep on my back and stomach again!  The thought of six more weeks [or more] can be hard to get my head around, sometimes.  Luckily, heartburn and indigestion haven't been a problem for me.  But I'm having some swelling in my ankles, and I can barely stand for any length of time with the pain in my feet.  Walking through Walmart with a full grocery list is a tall order, these days!

Bennett's also moving around quite a bit.  I'm sure he always was, but I can really feel him as the pregnancy progresses.  Sometimes I look down at my stomach and watch some unknown body part slip past underneath my shirt. 
It's really an incredible experience! 
The whole thing is starting to become real.  

This week we practiced labor and birthing positions in our childbirth class.  I'm trying to master the squat!  It's apparently the most effective birthing position, but a secret to us Americans.  All over the world women give birth in the squatting position, and recover quite nicely.  

I've been working more in the nursery today.  Created some decals and put them up on the walls.  I'll post a picture or two next week!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

32 weeks!

32 weeks!  I'm almost losing track of counting these days. 
Scott and I have so much going on with his police training schedule coming to an end, and setting up our beautiful new home!
Time is flying by..  mostly.

Had my bi-weekly appointment with Christine today.  Seems I've gained 32 pounds at 32 weeks.  Yikes!  She said I'm on track for 40.. Oh well.  But I'm still seeing it mainly in the belly, though.  That's all one can ask for, I guess.  Also, she's pretty sure that Bennett's flipped!  It's wonderful news, because no one hopes for a breech baby.  She called in another midwife to feel around and confirm.  Christine said she's about 90% certain that he's head-down at this point.  That was probably why last week I was feeling such intense movement from him, as he was changing positions.  I was very pleased to hear her say that.

My blood pressure is still great; somewhere around 110/70.  No concerns there!  So far my hemoglobin, glucose, and blood pressure are all where they should be. 

Bennett's furniture also arrived!  Scott and I spent an evening setting up the nursery, and had a great time.  I picked up curtains today, and those still need to be hung.  We've got time to take care of finishing touches, though.  

Today my lactation consultant came over and we discussed a few things.  She told me about what to expect from the moment of birth and into the first couple of weeks.  That, coupled with the reading and teaching from childbirth class is really getting me prepared for nursing.  I can't wait! 
I wonder if all first time moms are this eager to do things right.  

Below is a belly shot, and a couple photos of Bennett's [unfinished] nursery!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

31 weeks!

Week 31 came and went very quickly.  Sorry for the delay in posting!

I experienced Bennett's first set of hiccups this week.  I was laying in bed late at night and wondering how he could be kicking so rhythmically.. and then it hit me!  He's having hiccups, like I had always heard about.  Babies in utero practice swallowing by taking in some amniotic fluid [ew], and sometimes it eventuates in hiccups.  That's a good sign!  
..But I'm not truly a fan of how it feels.

Scott and I awaited the delivery of the nursery furniture.  Now that we've got a new home, we have a perfect little room for everything to be set up.  We couldn't wait to decorate it for our little boy!  His room is brown and blue with white accents.  We didn't really plan it that way, but the bedding set the theme.  

So far so good.  People have started to make remarks in public about how big I'm getting, though.  Mostly it's older folk who say things like "Man, you're about to blow any day!"  How is that ever a good idea?  I sure do wonder.  Oh well.  

Also, Bennett's kicking up a storm!  There were two days that his movements were almost violent.  I watched my abdomen do some pretty neat tricks as he kicked around.  Truly, these were the days I waited for.  Anterior placentas are no fun when you're hoping to feel your baby's movements regularly.  But it seems we've turned a corner.  

Scott and I are getting really excited to meet this little boy!