Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Thursday, November 10, 2011

23 weeks!

I guess some pregnancy weeks are less eventful than other weeks.. 
 This'd be one of those!

More bumps and pushes from our little boy, but so far only two big kicks.  I'm starting to feel him more frequently in the morning and at nighttime.  I look forward to his gentle prods reminding me that he's ok.  I'm constantly thanking God for His beautiful design of pregnancy.  I'm getting very excited about the thought of meeting this little boy..
I can't imagine how impatient we'll both be towards the very end!

I watched The Business of Being Born this past week.. again.  It's almost like figuring out a math problem and realizing it made sense all along; you just had to arrive there yourself.  That's how I feel when I look toward a natural child-birthing process.  It makes so much sense to me.  God designed women's bodies to create, sustain, and birth children all without help from anyone else.  I sure look forward to having my husband's support and a knowledgeable midwife, but it's truly all up to me.. Woah!

Scott and I are starting our Bradley childbirth classes on the 21st and I'm really curious to hit the ground running.  I want to be as prepared as possible!  I'm currently reading one of the three required books:  Husband-Coached Childbirth, by Dr. Bradley, himself.
Good book.  

My best friend and I road-tripped it up to New York yesterday for my family shower this Saturday!  We had to stop regularly for bathroom breaks and to make sure I wasn't in one position for too long.  It took about 12 hours in total, but we're now happy in our hometown for a week.

And for those of you curious about my pre-natal vitamin choice:

Liquid, food-based [gluten free] Floradix!
 It's made of fruit juices, and very palatable.
I tried two other pre-natals, and this one comes with my best recommendation.

Until next week.

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