Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. - Psalm 127:4-5

Monday, October 24, 2011

21 weeks!

Two kicks this week!  

Most of this little boy's movements have been extremely muted because of the location of the placenta, but I've definitely felt two definitive kicks.  

One was late at night while Scott and I were in bed, and the other was last night during Communion!  We certainly will be having a covenant child.  Last night in church, the kick was so prominent that I almost laughed while the wine was being passed around.  I waited patiently for another, but it never came.  The kick was high up and centered: almost near my sternum... I'm guessing he got around the placenta and got one good kick through.  What an awesome feeling!  I smiled pleasantly to myself and shared it with Scott later on.

Otherwise, I've been feeling very tired lately.  Scott's working overnights these days, so I'm trying desperately to stay on a normal schedule.  I often find myself up at midnight and regretting it.  This mama-to-be needs her sleep!  Usually within an hour or two of getting up, I'm ready for a nap.  Sheesh.  

It depends upon the scale I'm using, but I'd say I've gained about 13 pounds at this point.  Not too bad, considering I eat what I want.  Or more like, whatever's NOT on my list of aversions I'll eat.  Can't say I've quite graduated into the cravings, just yet..  But some people never do.  I'd be better off!

Just felt a muted kick on my right side.  Seems to be where most of his activity takes place.  I Googled what a child born at 21 weeks looks like, and I couldn't believe it!  At this point in the pregnancy, a baby is a miniature replica of what it will be at birth.  It's incredible how God has designed things.  I'm amazed by His creation in a whole new way these days..

Me in my first maternity jeans!

The size of our baby this week?
A banana!!  Yum.
PS - Banana Runts are the best!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

20 weeks! - IT'S A BOY!

Twenty weeks!   A big milestone for pregnancy.  

I am officially half way to a being a mother and holding my little baby.  Not only does this mark the half-way point to labor, but the risks of miscarriage have majorly depleted at this point. 
I am starting to really believe this will happen for us!

Scott and I had our 20-week ultrasound three days ago, and the doctor said HE looks great!  She even used the words "perfectly symmetrical".  At the appointment, she measured his weight at 12 ounces.  If I've gained twelve POUNDS, what's up with the other eleven?

For various reasons I was expecting a boy, and that's exactly what we got.  For a brief second, I thought I saw a girl on the screen, but this little boy wouldn't have it!  She was able to get some very thorough shots of various parts, but unfortunately could not see the face or heart as clearly as she would've liked.  He wasn't being as cooperative as possible, I guess.  As a result, the photos came out fuzzy and indistinct.  But what she did see, she was very pleased with. 
Then so are we!  

No girl for me, this time around.  For now, I'll have to put my dreams of bonnets and hair-clips and polka dots away..  The Lord knows best, and all that comes from the hand of God is good.  I'm learning to get very excited about this little boy.  He's been starting to move around a bit more, but it's still pretty nondescript.  The doctor says I've got an "anterior placenta", which just means that my placenta is in front of the baby.  The only thing about that is it makes his kicks and movements harder to feel.. but almost half the population of women have that. 
So it goes!  

A couple photos from the 20-week ultrasound.  Praise the Lord for His goodness to us!  As far as we know, we've been given a healthy baby boy to love and raise.  Scott's very excited to have a son.  We're mulling over the same two names, and will decide soon.  

God is good!

The size of our baby this week?
A cantaloupe!

Monday, October 10, 2011

19 weeks!

19 weeks.. almost half-way there.

Been kind of concerned by the lack of movement this week..  But both my midwife and Scott are reminding me that it's normal not to feel regular movement until at least 20 weeks.  However, it would sure be nice to feel the baby moving.  I can't wait for the day that I'm feeling this little one jumping about.  I wouldn't have to worry that something has gone catastrophically wrong without me knowing..  

Other than that, some headaches here and there.  The fatigue is getting a little better now that I'm not working nearly as much.  I can't imagine working full-time like some women do!  Oh, and weight gain?  Ten [bloody] pounds!!  Yikes.  The good news is that it's all centralized in my tummy..  For an avid Weight Watcher, this ain't the easiest thing to embrace.  But Christine keeps reminding me that about 90% of it comes off within a week or so of birth.  Nursing gets rid of the last bit hanging around, and then exercise should get me back on track.  I wouldn't mind fighting with 5 or so pesky pounds, though..
Not if it earned me a happy, healthy baby! 

I'm chomping at the bit to find out the gender.  T-7 days until our 20-week ultrasound.  I would truly love a girl, but a boy would be great, too!  Scott's parents kindly bought us the crib and matching dresser this past weekend, and it's due to arrive in two months or so.  Next week Scott and I will be registering for our shower up in New York.  My mom's throwing me a baby shower mid-November, and inviting some friends and family.  Showers are the best!  Just got news that my best friend will be flying in from Seattle and will be in attendance.  Wonderful news!

If all goes well, my next entry will reveal the gender of our little one.  And hopefully good news about the genetics and physical growth.  

The size of our baby this week?
A mango!

Our baby weighs half a pound! 
The other 9.5....?  Water weight, blood volume, placenta.  Ew.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

18 weeks!

The prominent theme of this week has been: 

Was that the baby moving?!...

I can say there have been some instances in which I've felt movement, but I'm holding out for a sure thing. 

I had my monthly check-up with Christine today, and we had another strong heartbeat: 157 bpm this time!  The only thing that points to a possible girl in this pregnancy is the heartbeat.. everything else [and everyone else] is shouting boucin' baby BOY!! 
We shall see. 

Next week we have our [very exciting!] 20-week ultrasound to determine the gender of this little one.  We'll also be able to check on the physical formation of the baby, as well.  This will be a very important check-up for me, since we forewent the amniocentesis for the baby's sake, and are waiting [im]patiently to make sure our baby isn't a Trisomy.  
Lord, have mercy.

The size of our baby this week?
A sweet potato!